TK Yoga Retreat
01728 724625
Stop Press... 2025 Reductions if booked by end of January. Prices held since 2023/24!
£250 discount on November Y.T.T. £50 off Indian Head Massage and Lymphatic Drainage Massage.
200 Hour on-line Yoga Teaching Training.
TK Yoga has created a new on-line 21 day Yoga Teacher Training to comply with standards as set down by Yoga Alliance UK, accreditation services. The training will held over a 7 month period, with 7 (three day) weekend trainings on-line. Each weekend training will include Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Please be aware these training days are intensive.
Our love of yoga at TK has sought to build a good grounding in teaching methodology and understanding of the requirements that a teacher of Yoga will need to possess to be a safe (Ahimsa) and confident Yoga teacher.
Your teacher training will be in-person, but on-line, and teachings will be conducted from our TK studio. Framlingham, in the beautiful historic area of Suffolk in the UK.
You will have the option of saving all of the training for future reference, to recap, or to revisit at any time.
You will be able to complete your training in under a year and be a fully qualified 200 Hour Yoga Teacher. Between each monthly training you will have time to integrate your teachings into your practice and have time to fully comprehend the authentic teachings of Hatha, experience the full expression of each Asana, and why it is important to have a good grounding in alignment.
​We will work together to succeed and incorporate a multi style approach to learning and yoga disciplines. We will practice and study authentic Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa flow, and Yin Yoga. Our student led approach means that each student is valued for their own authentic and diverse teaching style. We support you during training and after training, and we understand that your first teaching experience is going to be quite daunting, with this in mind we like our students to start to teach as soon as possible. We offer lots of encouragement and support to each and every one of our students. Each student will have the opportunity to teach their peer group.
Both Tina and Keely have over 5000 hours of teaching and will bring a wealth of understanding to your training. We very much promote the healing side of Yoga and how it can help in recovery. With this understanding we can lay down the foundations for our future Yoga Therapists.
Your Principal Teachers. Tina Brewer and Keely Warren.
200 Hour - Curriculum
There will be 180 Hours face to face on-line contact hours. Each student will need to be prepared to submit certain articles to share with the peer group, along with some homework from the theory classes. There will also be 20 non-contact hours. Each student will be directed to our google school to complete assignments.
The training will include:
Anatomy and Physiology. Movement and Practice. Living as a Yogi/ Yogi Diet. Teaching Methodology. Teaching practice and Techniques. Business ethics. Alignment. Adjustments and Modifications. Pranayama. Relaxation and Meditation. Mudra and Mantra. Each student will need to be able to understand the full expression of each Asana learned, and be prepared to learn at least 30 Sanskrit words over the 21 day period. Understand classroom management and dynamics. Observe and discern. Be prepared to learn at least 28 Postures.
Break down of the Hours
100 Hours- Techniques.
To include: Asana. Pranayama. Kriyas. Meditation .Mudra and Mantra. Hours will include both training in techniques and practice. These will include: Alignment and the healing effects on the physical and subtle body. Mantra and effect on the physical and subtle body. Why we should use Mudra to aid practice. Pranayaman and the effects on the inner systems. Kriyas and their place in cleansing during yogic lifestyle.
42 Hours. Teaching Methodology.
To include: Principles and Practicum of demonstration. Observation. Assisting and Supporting. Correcting. Instruction. Discovering teaching styles. Qualities of a Teacher. Learning styles. Class and room management. Pace and delivery. Teaching Cues. Counter Poses. Contraindications.
20 Hours. Anatomy and Physiology.
To include: Anatomy and Physiology. Bodily systems/Organs. Subtle anatomy and physiology including Chakras and Nadis. To include: Biomechanics. Movement of joints. Stabilising joints. Balance and Safety. Stretching and Fascia. Physical limitations. Body awareness.
30 Hours. Philosophy. Ethics. History of Yoga.
To include: Patanjali. Yoga Sutras. Sutras and living in the modern world. Self-Reflection. Responsibility. Equity in hatha Yoga. Bringing philosophy into practice. Commitment to continued life- long learning.
10 Hours On-Line with Lead Tutor. Student Mentorship (dates to be determined)
Discussion on ethics and commitment to best possible practice.
Professionalism. Joining professional organisations. Insurance. Business ethics and promotion/ Insurance. Personal attributes reguarding Time keeping and appearance. Communication and the words we speak.
14 pre-recorded video demonstrations.
Tina and Keely Footnote.
Please be aware that throughout your 21 days we will be continually observing, and delivering feedback. Assessment is continual and exhaustive. We expect correct conduct at all times and a respectful support for your fellow students during learning and practice.
Daily Schedule.
7.30 am-8.30 am. Meditation. Mantra. Mudra.
8.30-9.00 am. Break.
9.00 am-12 noon. Pranayama. Asana.
12 noon-1.00 pm. Lunch Break.
1.00 pm-2.00 pm. Philosophy and Teaching Methodology.
2.00 pm - 4.30 pm. Asana. Practicum.
4.30 - 5.00 pm. Break.
5.00 pm - 6.00 pm. Evening Asana.
Both English and Sanskrit Asana names will be used throughout.
Cost of Course.
£799.00. For Tuition. Manuals. Ongoing support and Mentoring.
We offer an early bird discount for 6 lucky Yogis with a £50.00 discounted cost at just £749.00
How to Book your Placement.
Please send TK Yoga Ltd an email requesting placement detailing your experience and why you would like to continue your Yogic journey.
​Dates for on-line Teacher Training. 2022.
Commencing 16th December. 2022
Dates for on-line Teacher Training 2023.
Commences 27th January. 2023
More dates to follow....